Babs Olumide Lols
Margus Meigo Oudsh....
bor trump how does he manage to be under this kind of pressure when everyone knows..
bor trump how does he manage to be under this kind of pressure when everyone knows..
Margus Meigo i mean he is smart enough to know who he is, and this must be actually be hurting..
a lot
a lot
Margus Meigo but as long we got world like that:
... there is plenty of room to hide the pain
... there is plenty of room to hide the pain
)(this video is like some old school new level militant feminism, i am not really sure i still get it fully but probably it fit's in somewhere between here, ... for.. reversed psychology kind of way)
(as i think this what this poor man do with their hard life.. they just ...pain away ...inside other.. who ever.. like is nothing... so they can smile again, to other people, and pretend is all good)
And considering hard background of His own woman...
just makes me wonder.. how on no foundation of relation can someone on so high positions to be.. .. i mean.. can we imagine what information Merkel has about this guy adventures and past life.. while he got about Merkel, like what.. shame hard to even look in to her eyes, she is Christian top of that and a bit feministic we can assume.. so one can just imagine..
.. wonder just.. kind of interesting way.. what kind of sorcery or drugs keep this pain and shame away.. to not break down front of everyone. ..unreal really.
Angelica Ravenna shared Go Left's photo.
Margus Meigo I also no shake hands with a women
Margus Meigo when she insist i just holding with two hands,
but most often i just hug..or when she would prefer not i just bow a little
But... shaking.. that seems kind of ... to business, to vcommunist, to mehanical like
but most often i just hug..or when she would prefer not i just bow a little
But... shaking.. that seems kind of ... to business, to vcommunist, to mehanical like
Margus Meigo we even got telling here, that it is bad luck when You do, that then you will apart, not heart connection anymore

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Angelica Ravenna Wth! Why? Are you not of European culture and education?
Margus Meigo You was ironic, wasnt u about "european culture"
Margus Meigo and "education"
Margus Meigo i despise this greek-roman communist polite sickening democrasy
Margus Meigo it is fake, it is sick, it is disrespectful and robotic
Margus Meigo only thing that makes us wonder, how come God is so loving, forgiving, mysterious, to keep this obamination here

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Angelica Ravenna That was a political meeting where hand shakes are normal protocol. You cannot just dismiss protocol. Not on this level.
Margus Meigo yes you can, he just did.
Not sure of hes reasons, but including he know he looks like a dickhead, is still person right to do so.
Why would You need to sake hands when You do not want to if You are REAL person not a fakery ?
Not sure of hes reasons, but including he know he looks like a dickhead, is still person right to do so.
Why would You need to sake hands when You do not want to if You are REAL person not a fakery ?
Margus Meigo one of the most disrespectful think i encounter, was in england, they call it " politeness "
it is kind of thing, that You assume, that other person is retarded, so you not tell them things that might maybe offend them
it is kind of thing, that You assume, that other person is retarded, so you not tell them things that might maybe offend them
Margus Meigo i
mean reatrded, as not able to reason, accept, understand and
communicate on deep or honorable way, assuming that You did same,
just in case you have to assume other person is a dickhead and a retarded stupido who will break down or attack you, or sue
So you have to keep critisism and oppinions to your self, so everyone walks and talks like droids, not telling what they really think or feel (besides each other back ,this was done a LOT, like main thing as soon someone left a room!) ... but to tell person to something in private ,to face, ... or to even tell them a things, to save them emparishment.. ooh no.. who would risk on that... let human walk even hes zipper open or titts out, just in case not mentoning, maybe perosn feels offended or ashamed... what kind of species can grow up from that? Really not good ones
just in case you have to assume other person is a dickhead and a retarded stupido who will break down or attack you, or sue
So you have to keep critisism and oppinions to your self, so everyone walks and talks like droids, not telling what they really think or feel (besides each other back ,this was done a LOT, like main thing as soon someone left a room!) ... but to tell person to something in private ,to face, ... or to even tell them a things, to save them emparishment.. ooh no.. who would risk on that... let human walk even hes zipper open or titts out, just in case not mentoning, maybe perosn feels offended or ashamed... what kind of species can grow up from that? Really not good ones
Angelica Ravenna Where did you see that? I have not encountered this and I live in England. Fake people are everywhere in the world.
Margus Meigo well maybe you live among some royal peole
por among old timers,
but the liberals and activists, and feminists among who i lived, for them had it mandatory
por among old timers,
but the liberals and activists, and feminists among who i lived, for them had it mandatory
Margus Meigo for
my book, you not even come to idea, to talk with other person, about
third person, things you would not talk when one is in private with you
or in a room.
This european "culture" is a huge hoax, yes.. i guess it is looking like a culture by the defination, and looks of it, and acts of it.. but in a sentence of a word, that is something like good, to bow to ... no, no way,
unless we start to become real and deeply meaningful, respectful and clean up our world from sickos insteab in europe, they inbreed ideas, evil ideas like "there is no bad or good, no right or wrong" ... what in world is that sick idea? ?
I bet women beaters, perverts and war lords have hard on keeping that New Age and Higher Academic ideology going to find protection fortheir acts,
as "all is relative" .. i mena, it is like nearly most of the world, in europe city people at least, is under hypnosis, completly not even understanding that they are under new version of roman empire, communist-liberal rule.
And then for god sake, they have this women prisoning, perversious idea called feminism,
no not a matrarchy, or Royal values.. or even not arsitocrasy... oh now.. lets make up new word ... becouse it is NEW thing, nothing to do with respect or understanding what is Women'ity,
or maybe they got understanding, as they working so hard against it... how else would they know how to work against it ... as instructions come, from again, same group of perverts and warlords, pederasty worshippers and pedohiles as always, the roman empire worshipping communists, .. not sure whatthey call them self doay, propabaly democratic or something like that (but matter less as they are in all sides of liberal to rebublican sides, left and right... this is what the 2 head eagle on roman empire logo is all about (from what only one side USA got... so they can not even know what is going on and what is plan as they got not a full plan.. full plan this ones got who has the true roman empire logo.. meaning controlling the uncontrollables with psychology and education, so their millitary might if not obey, matters not ,as it will be directed and used in the end as it is told, by subliminal and psychological ways, as the world is set up for them around them... including this "european culture" where man are allowed to drink, beat up who ever they choose, sigarettes are sold in front of every cash registry and people transport food around the europe so "everyone can get a job" instead letting every country grow whatthey can and sell rest of it and buy in wahtthey need... they like grpow animal some times in one place, then ship it to next placem then pack it in another place, store it on third place, and then it comes back to their own country named as some other country product and they assume it is not mentally retarded... or when you buy a seeds, and youwant to REPLANT these seeds product, this is crime, seriousone, you have to buy new seeds all the time even if you eat it yourself, on many products... for reasons like "quality control" and "safty" .. and "economic reaosns..".... and more about this "culture".... they allow alcohol and siggarettes, knowing it has no good in so many levels, besides no benafit for human mind, and they ban all other old shamanic plants, ... including the ones that can cure addiction's, for sure, ... and they accept alcohol sales becouse "economic reasons, it brings money to state budget" .... well yea.. really, brings , so ? What about all the money what is spend to alcohold that is send out to country to few master corporations and all the healt harm that comes forom it besides destruction of this sick society and family structure? This kind of calculators call them self intelligent and cultural.. when they trade love, family, health, nature for a money and fame, ... sorry.. can not agree on it to be any worth, looks like alien system to destroy humans slowly by turning them to destory them self.
Now we gone even so far in here ,that man who beat up womens or whorst can go to court and justify them self, like what i na hell..
and if anyone will go to sort out this kind of trash then the one who fix a problem get in to trouble, like stepping up for a criminals.. what kind of logic is that.. when some one WASknown to be a bad, then there not should be equal right for them to have state protection, it is uterrly illogical in REAL world..
what else is sick in here,i can keep up for days probabaly, counting, more easy to count what is not... but from what is not, most is not FROM that culture but what has been so in past ... so what good have they invented... well, proobabaly something.. but again not becouse they wanted, feel need to.. but becuse some humans inside, pressed on it and got it done....
there is kids starving in a country, no houses for peopleto live in.. and they buy a freaking war toys for millions, to practice blowing up woods, ... and when these man come out from their killing training, they noit even know how to build a house or farm a plants, for food, what use this kind of man is for a women or any good for a family?? What kind of intelligent society or culture woudl do anything so retarded? unless they are against humans...
And top of that, the coplete idiotic thing besides woen high heels, is the dudes wearing some rope, tie around their neck, no one ask why or wonders, they just know they have to and "can not go to work with out it " .. and it has NO value to making work, not even allowed to clean your mouth with it or some other practical things, ... what i a nonsmart unexplainable illnes must be in human head to tie someting around their nect, every freeaking morning nearly, that does not look nice top of that... is bothering in fact.. and no one is questioning or demaingin quiting this sillinness.. and the clothjing as well.. a suit.. what kind of unprofessional, un practical piece of crap is that what most of the dudes wear in city and make them look like borring carbon copy of each other, and they even feel good about hte most unpractical and booring piece of clothing there is, and the material is not even linean or even not a cotton at times, ... this clothng does not allow to make any practical work ,not even cuddle with a women or nothng, .. and they made THIS , most un practical piece of cloth desinged by some psychopath, mendatory... i mean.. really.. what kind of alien would think this is normal... if they come and alanlyze this pile of unintelligence top of sad mandatory ugliness like moder desing and all that. ... oeh.. ) )
This european "culture" is a huge hoax, yes.. i guess it is looking like a culture by the defination, and looks of it, and acts of it.. but in a sentence of a word, that is something like good, to bow to ... no, no way,
unless we start to become real and deeply meaningful, respectful and clean up our world from sickos insteab in europe, they inbreed ideas, evil ideas like "there is no bad or good, no right or wrong" ... what in world is that sick idea? ?
I bet women beaters, perverts and war lords have hard on keeping that New Age and Higher Academic ideology going to find protection fortheir acts,
as "all is relative" .. i mena, it is like nearly most of the world, in europe city people at least, is under hypnosis, completly not even understanding that they are under new version of roman empire, communist-liberal rule.
And then for god sake, they have this women prisoning, perversious idea called feminism,
no not a matrarchy, or Royal values.. or even not arsitocrasy... oh now.. lets make up new word ... becouse it is NEW thing, nothing to do with respect or understanding what is Women'ity,
or maybe they got understanding, as they working so hard against it... how else would they know how to work against it ... as instructions come, from again, same group of perverts and warlords, pederasty worshippers and pedohiles as always, the roman empire worshipping communists, .. not sure whatthey call them self doay, propabaly democratic or something like that (but matter less as they are in all sides of liberal to rebublican sides, left and right... this is what the 2 head eagle on roman empire logo is all about (from what only one side USA got... so they can not even know what is going on and what is plan as they got not a full plan.. full plan this ones got who has the true roman empire logo.. meaning controlling the uncontrollables with psychology and education, so their millitary might if not obey, matters not ,as it will be directed and used in the end as it is told, by subliminal and psychological ways, as the world is set up for them around them... including this "european culture" where man are allowed to drink, beat up who ever they choose, sigarettes are sold in front of every cash registry and people transport food around the europe so "everyone can get a job" instead letting every country grow whatthey can and sell rest of it and buy in wahtthey need... they like grpow animal some times in one place, then ship it to next placem then pack it in another place, store it on third place, and then it comes back to their own country named as some other country product and they assume it is not mentally retarded... or when you buy a seeds, and youwant to REPLANT these seeds product, this is crime, seriousone, you have to buy new seeds all the time even if you eat it yourself, on many products... for reasons like "quality control" and "safty" .. and "economic reaosns..".... and more about this "culture".... they allow alcohol and siggarettes, knowing it has no good in so many levels, besides no benafit for human mind, and they ban all other old shamanic plants, ... including the ones that can cure addiction's, for sure, ... and they accept alcohol sales becouse "economic reasons, it brings money to state budget" .... well yea.. really, brings , so ? What about all the money what is spend to alcohold that is send out to country to few master corporations and all the healt harm that comes forom it besides destruction of this sick society and family structure? This kind of calculators call them self intelligent and cultural.. when they trade love, family, health, nature for a money and fame, ... sorry.. can not agree on it to be any worth, looks like alien system to destroy humans slowly by turning them to destory them self.
Now we gone even so far in here ,that man who beat up womens or whorst can go to court and justify them self, like what i na hell..
and if anyone will go to sort out this kind of trash then the one who fix a problem get in to trouble, like stepping up for a criminals.. what kind of logic is that.. when some one WASknown to be a bad, then there not should be equal right for them to have state protection, it is uterrly illogical in REAL world..
what else is sick in here,i can keep up for days probabaly, counting, more easy to count what is not... but from what is not, most is not FROM that culture but what has been so in past ... so what good have they invented... well, proobabaly something.. but again not becouse they wanted, feel need to.. but becuse some humans inside, pressed on it and got it done....
there is kids starving in a country, no houses for peopleto live in.. and they buy a freaking war toys for millions, to practice blowing up woods, ... and when these man come out from their killing training, they noit even know how to build a house or farm a plants, for food, what use this kind of man is for a women or any good for a family?? What kind of intelligent society or culture woudl do anything so retarded? unless they are against humans...
And top of that, the coplete idiotic thing besides woen high heels, is the dudes wearing some rope, tie around their neck, no one ask why or wonders, they just know they have to and "can not go to work with out it " .. and it has NO value to making work, not even allowed to clean your mouth with it or some other practical things, ... what i a nonsmart unexplainable illnes must be in human head to tie someting around their nect, every freeaking morning nearly, that does not look nice top of that... is bothering in fact.. and no one is questioning or demaingin quiting this sillinness.. and the clothjing as well.. a suit.. what kind of unprofessional, un practical piece of crap is that what most of the dudes wear in city and make them look like borring carbon copy of each other, and they even feel good about hte most unpractical and booring piece of clothing there is, and the material is not even linean or even not a cotton at times, ... this clothng does not allow to make any practical work ,not even cuddle with a women or nothng, .. and they made THIS , most un practical piece of cloth desinged by some psychopath, mendatory... i mean.. really.. what kind of alien would think this is normal... if they come and alanlyze this pile of unintelligence top of sad mandatory ugliness like moder desing and all that. ... oeh.. ) )
Margus Meigo peruvian
gensoide, for one of the most important group of peple in eath, with
extreme amount of upfront in time knowladge and knowladge from past
unmached recorded in un alphabetical ways... was initiated by feminists
they literrally know, that this what they aploud was forceful sterilizatin of indginious people, unless they them self was complete illiterate and undecuated, and they applouded,...
they literrally know, that this what they aploud was forceful sterilizatin of indginious people, unless they them self was complete illiterate and undecuated, and they applouded,...
Margus Meigo feminism
has nothing t odo with protection of feminity, they are communist
thinkthank, made by man, to use millitant women and half womens, to keep
women down, away from natural powers, away from future rights, away
from correct order and respect as matriarchial laws would demand,
instead they trick women them self to demand "equality" .. to be AS salve as man are..
instead of demanding, that man in most part would get 4 times more pay so the man would be worth soethng after slaving away from a home.. they demand that they ALSO wanna salve 8 hours a day and get as little pay as man get .
LIke completly ignoring the fact that we occupied and current situation is utterly reatarded, .. and then complete freak show go to this lenght that they amke new confused women to dress and act so unwomenly that she looses all of her idendty and reason to be, so it would be complete slave of a Party, as this will be only thing what is left, after she looses all her natural powers and wisdom and respect.. .
yes there is so many real women grounps doing real women things under same name and ubrella.. but they are like office workers, not managers and bosses of the show, they will be told and put in to place... in combination of hypnosed women, man and finaice powers when comes itme...
oh if i would be ableto write all that in a understandable way
instead they trick women them self to demand "equality" .. to be AS salve as man are..
instead of demanding, that man in most part would get 4 times more pay so the man would be worth soethng after slaving away from a home.. they demand that they ALSO wanna salve 8 hours a day and get as little pay as man get .
LIke completly ignoring the fact that we occupied and current situation is utterly reatarded, .. and then complete freak show go to this lenght that they amke new confused women to dress and act so unwomenly that she looses all of her idendty and reason to be, so it would be complete slave of a Party, as this will be only thing what is left, after she looses all her natural powers and wisdom and respect.. .
yes there is so many real women grounps doing real women things under same name and ubrella.. but they are like office workers, not managers and bosses of the show, they will be told and put in to place... in combination of hypnosed women, man and finaice powers when comes itme...
oh if i would be ableto write all that in a understandable way
Margus Meigo and specially acient languages and Quechua spekers was targeted, the only direct oldest high of civilization language holders..
(there was only a bit more then 1.5 million people in Peruu speaking that language, if you take off from that number, kids, above 40 women, man and elderly.. then .. then we see how terrible this number was if 300 000 forcefully sterlized, genoside does not seem bad enought.. on the age of year 2000 ... not in acient times..)
(there was only a bit more then 1.5 million people in Peruu speaking that language, if you take off from that number, kids, above 40 women, man and elderly.. then .. then we see how terrible this number was if 300 000 forcefully sterlized, genoside does not seem bad enought.. on the age of year 2000 ... not in acient times..)
Margus Meigo no it was a womens, who uncovered a crime
Angelica Ravenna Of
course feminism is regularly instrumentalised by others. But what would
women be today without it: uneducated and force married.
Angelica Ravenna Before
the Romans ruined the Europe above the Danube, women of the tribes were
equal to men. This deep knowledge has never been forgotten.
Angelica Ravenna And
even furtger down in history, the Amazones lived in what is today's
Libya. Women never really forgot that they once had power. It is a hard
struggle to gain back what we already had.
Margus Meigo no, women has not been equal to man in advanced world, women has always been above the man as it should.
about the sterilization:
no feminism is just a platform she was forced to use,
womens, who did it.
Here is how REAL feminist behaved:
"Even after Tamaya exposed the reality of the forced sterilizations, feminist NGOs remained reluctant to condemn the state. Mesa Tripartita, a coalition of NGOs, government officials, and private donors, did not acknowledge the abuses until 1999. Three NGO members belong to Mesa Tripartita, but only one agreed to sign a statement condemning the government. In the face of a major human rights violation, feminist NGOs remained non-confrontational; to lose the state’s political backing appeared strategically unwise"
" Fujimori provoked an immediate reaction among the Peruvian public. His opponents—conservatives, often Catholic—were enraged. On the flipside, the feminist movement applauded the new program. The sterilizations began in 1996 "
So this one women:
"In 1997, feminist lawyer Giuia Tamaya published an extensive investigation of the Family Planning Program. At this point, hundreds of forced sterilization allegations had been filed. Tamaya revealed that women in impoverished rural communities had been pointedly targeted, bribed, and lied to by state officials. The motive for the forced sterilizations was a combination of population control and poverty reduction. "
.... this did not stop the program did it... it lasted 3 years more in full power.
If the feminist network would be really Pro women, would you not think, She would have got global support and stop it all, iniddiatly?
Instead she was forced in to paper game and ignored, yes.. so where was her comrades? Around the world? Newsletters she send out to all mayor newschannels around the world?
If You google Her, you can see that her name does not come up no places,
so is not like fellow feminists around a world would rise her up or what?
(but should be national hereo, even if she did not manage to send out newsletters and post ALL around internet forums in full power, hiering extra hackers and media expers forthat, in the middle of program ,to stop it..)
It was not some small private dark deal to expose, it was massive state program, invlved ten's of thousands of people who know about it, besides feminist NGO's...
This is what i telling you... they are network to keep women down, locked.. if someone among them self start to rebel FOR women.. they make sure, this messgae will not get out, and when get.. then later...
about the sterilization:
no feminism is just a platform she was forced to use,
womens, who did it.
Here is how REAL feminist behaved:
"Even after Tamaya exposed the reality of the forced sterilizations, feminist NGOs remained reluctant to condemn the state. Mesa Tripartita, a coalition of NGOs, government officials, and private donors, did not acknowledge the abuses until 1999. Three NGO members belong to Mesa Tripartita, but only one agreed to sign a statement condemning the government. In the face of a major human rights violation, feminist NGOs remained non-confrontational; to lose the state’s political backing appeared strategically unwise"
" Fujimori provoked an immediate reaction among the Peruvian public. His opponents—conservatives, often Catholic—were enraged. On the flipside, the feminist movement applauded the new program. The sterilizations began in 1996 "
So this one women:
"In 1997, feminist lawyer Giuia Tamaya published an extensive investigation of the Family Planning Program. At this point, hundreds of forced sterilization allegations had been filed. Tamaya revealed that women in impoverished rural communities had been pointedly targeted, bribed, and lied to by state officials. The motive for the forced sterilizations was a combination of population control and poverty reduction. "
.... this did not stop the program did it... it lasted 3 years more in full power.
If the feminist network would be really Pro women, would you not think, She would have got global support and stop it all, iniddiatly?
Instead she was forced in to paper game and ignored, yes.. so where was her comrades? Around the world? Newsletters she send out to all mayor newschannels around the world?
If You google Her, you can see that her name does not come up no places,
so is not like fellow feminists around a world would rise her up or what?
(but should be national hereo, even if she did not manage to send out newsletters and post ALL around internet forums in full power, hiering extra hackers and media expers forthat, in the middle of program ,to stop it..)
It was not some small private dark deal to expose, it was massive state program, invlved ten's of thousands of people who know about it, besides feminist NGO's...
This is what i telling you... they are network to keep women down, locked.. if someone among them self start to rebel FOR women.. they make sure, this messgae will not get out, and when get.. then later...
Margus Meigo how
can a women imagine to get power back by tools, that man made for her
so she would trap her self, weaken her self in a way that she would not
be able to get any respect or power pack..
Margus Meigo "
In the 1990s, Latin American feminism was becoming increasingly
institutionalized, technical, and patriarchal. In what scholar Sonia
Alvarez calls the “Latin American feminist NGO boom,” feminist
non-governmental organizations were being co-opted by the very states
they had once rallied against "
but it is Around the world like that
and i enforse that part, he was ONLY male in a room, with extreme ANY female idea, in most DEEPEST level.. and instead, pulling him a part.. he was applouded..
"“ planning,” Fujimori announced his newest crusade: the Reproductive Health and Family Planning Program. Issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Heath, the program would help the poor and move the country toward gender equity, Fujimori said. Restrictions on women’s reproductive rights would be lifted. Free family planning services would be provided by the state. Access to contraceptives would be opened up to all, and sterilization surgery would be legalized.
Fujimori was the only male president at the Beijing Conference; for that reason alone, his attendance was news... "
But ofocurse, it is much darker jet, and a bit of alien like,
they soviets use powerful hynosis and brain wiping, mind chnaing tools and driugs and methods, to make this kind of institulized feminist army,
and hey.. what happened with that lawyar anywya ?
but it is Around the world like that
and i enforse that part, he was ONLY male in a room, with extreme ANY female idea, in most DEEPEST level.. and instead, pulling him a part.. he was applouded..
"“ planning,” Fujimori announced his newest crusade: the Reproductive Health and Family Planning Program. Issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Heath, the program would help the poor and move the country toward gender equity, Fujimori said. Restrictions on women’s reproductive rights would be lifted. Free family planning services would be provided by the state. Access to contraceptives would be opened up to all, and sterilization surgery would be legalized.
Fujimori was the only male president at the Beijing Conference; for that reason alone, his attendance was news... "
But ofocurse, it is much darker jet, and a bit of alien like,
they soviets use powerful hynosis and brain wiping, mind chnaing tools and driugs and methods, to make this kind of institulized feminist army,
and hey.. what happened with that lawyar anywya ?
Margus Meigo only
Giulia Maya (and this name, was also from a spirits, invoked.. not in
accident..i feel..).. only Giulia that comes up a lot is this one in
russia.. but i assume it isnot her, or what
Margus Meigo in fact.. only one ONE post comes up about her, related to feminism or sterilization..
if She ever was real, then they made sure, the fellow feminist,s that she would newer be found*
only other hope was, that name is missspelled, will reinvestigate later, gotta go to finsih one other work
if She ever was real, then they made sure, the fellow feminist,s that she would newer be found*
only other hope was, that name is missspelled, will reinvestigate later, gotta go to finsih one other work