maxie fuqua and 2 others
Mentioned you, Commented on: Oh my fucking god... could this bitch be ANY more pretentious? seriously. she's like a walking stereotype. I stopped watching at 3:05 because I just couldn't take anymore. let's go over the things

maxie fuqua
commented on a video on YouTube.
Oh my fucking god...
could this bitch be ANY more pretentious?
seriously. she's like a walking stereotype. I stopped watching at 3:05 because I just couldn't take anymore.
let's go over the things that I actually saw.
1. his posture and "how he carries himself".
this is complete bullshit. there are easily 20 or 30 things most people would notice before they get anywhere near posture.
the first thing most women notice is race, then height, then muscle build (and of course weight), then clothes, then facial features... I could go on, but you get the point.
2. "we look for emotion"
yeagh because all the women constantly fawning over rappers are totally into the crooked "I'm a gangsta" skowl they always have.
whether or not your smiling is completely irrelevant. most women have this thing for "bad boys" and have you ever seen a "bad boy" smile? seriously. perfect example is Leonardo decaprio. that dude almost never smiles. but women lose there shit over him because the emotionless expression males him look "mysterious".
and yet on men that are just slightly less attractive that same emotionless expression is "creepy".
3. laugh.
because everyone knows women love men that laugh at there own jokes.
no. just no.
women like to laugh. they like guys that can make them laugh. (Side note, have you ever noticed that most of the guys that can make them laugh happen to be rediculously good looking? just a thought)
women couldn't give a fuck less if you laugh or not.
4. shoes.
I don't even know what to say to this bullshit.
"you can tell a lot about there personality by there shoes".
again. don't even know the words to respond to such idiocy.
ladies. if you think you can infer ANYTHING about a guys personality by the shoes there wearing YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON! shoes mean nothing.
wearing Jordans doesn't make you anymore a basketball player than wearing chuck Taylors makes you a skater.
stop looking at guys shoes. it's pointless. and your probly discounting a lot of good guys because of it.
I know a lot of people reading this comment are going to be like "you must be a real loser" or "ur just made cuz u can't get laid." Or whatever stupid shit kids are assuming these days.
I've had my fair share if relationships and not a single one of them has ever been effected by any of the bullshit in this video. the only things that actually matter are.
1. be good looking.
2. smell like a civilized human being.
3. dress like your not homeless.
4. don't be a dick. (at first.)
And honestly if your attractive enough the last 3 don't matter at all. you could be a homeless child murderer that smells like he just finished swimming laps in an open sewer and you'd still have to beat the chick's off with a stick if your hot enough.
as for us average looking guys, you basically just gotta hope there isn't a more attractive guy in her field of view.
could this bitch be ANY more pretentious?
seriously. she's like a walking stereotype. I stopped watching at 3:05 because I just couldn't take anymore.
let's go over the things that I actually saw.
1. his posture and "how he carries himself".
this is complete bullshit. there are easily 20 or 30 things most people would notice before they get anywhere near posture.
the first thing most women notice is race, then height, then muscle build (and of course weight), then clothes, then facial features... I could go on, but you get the point.
2. "we look for emotion"
yeagh because all the women constantly fawning over rappers are totally into the crooked "I'm a gangsta" skowl they always have.
whether or not your smiling is completely irrelevant. most women have this thing for "bad boys" and have you ever seen a "bad boy" smile? seriously. perfect example is Leonardo decaprio. that dude almost never smiles. but women lose there shit over him because the emotionless expression males him look "mysterious".
and yet on men that are just slightly less attractive that same emotionless expression is "creepy".
3. laugh.
because everyone knows women love men that laugh at there own jokes.
no. just no.
women like to laugh. they like guys that can make them laugh. (Side note, have you ever noticed that most of the guys that can make them laugh happen to be rediculously good looking? just a thought)
women couldn't give a fuck less if you laugh or not.
4. shoes.
I don't even know what to say to this bullshit.
"you can tell a lot about there personality by there shoes".
again. don't even know the words to respond to such idiocy.
ladies. if you think you can infer ANYTHING about a guys personality by the shoes there wearing YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON! shoes mean nothing.
wearing Jordans doesn't make you anymore a basketball player than wearing chuck Taylors makes you a skater.
stop looking at guys shoes. it's pointless. and your probly discounting a lot of good guys because of it.
I know a lot of people reading this comment are going to be like "you must be a real loser" or "ur just made cuz u can't get laid." Or whatever stupid shit kids are assuming these days.
I've had my fair share if relationships and not a single one of them has ever been effected by any of the bullshit in this video. the only things that actually matter are.
1. be good looking.
2. smell like a civilized human being.
3. dress like your not homeless.
4. don't be a dick. (at first.)
And honestly if your attractive enough the last 3 don't matter at all. you could be a homeless child murderer that smells like he just finished swimming laps in an open sewer and you'd still have to beat the chick's off with a stick if your hot enough.
as for us average looking guys, you basically just gotta hope there isn't a more attractive guy in her field of view.

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A bit edgy, but I do get your point here. I guess I have to agree to some extent.
In her defense, it's very difficult to summarize things you do in certain situations. She could just say that these are a few things that girls notice, rather than the "first" things they notice.
Also, if this actually is how women decide if they give a fuck about someone, then I'll be forever alone for sure.
In her defense, it's very difficult to summarize things you do in certain situations. She could just say that these are a few things that girls notice, rather than the "first" things they notice.
Also, if this actually is how women decide if they give a fuck about someone, then I'll be forever alone for sure.
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+Frizen again... if you think you can infer ANYTHING AT ALL about a person's personality or worth then YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON!
If a person is wearing dirty or beaten up shoes then it could mean a dozen different things.
If someone is wearing really nice shoes then it could mean a dozen different things.
If they happen to be wearing a particular brand, then it could as meaningless as "I liked the design."
Shoes mean nothing. There about as helpful in gauging a person's attributes as fucking horoscopes.
If a person is wearing dirty or beaten up shoes then it could mean a dozen different things.
If someone is wearing really nice shoes then it could mean a dozen different things.
If they happen to be wearing a particular brand, then it could as meaningless as "I liked the design."
Shoes mean nothing. There about as helpful in gauging a person's attributes as fucking horoscopes.
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+maxie fuqua If you think you can infer absolutely nothing from a person's shoes than you are either ignorant or in denial.

+Frizen What he's saying is that there are too many things you can assume wrong about someone because there aren't just a few reasons why someone might buy the shoes they buy...

+TheEternalPie I wasn't just talking about what shoes they buy, but how their shoes look as a whole.

There's a lot of truth to what you say! Good looks matter the most! I knew a guy who was a handy man doing odd jobs for a living, didn't have much money, drove an old car, had a personality like a wet rag, never smiled, but he was 6' tall and extremely good looking. When he needed a good fuck for the night, he would show up at the dances and would ALWAYS end up going home with the hottest, sexiest looking chick in the room every time.
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i just screen saved your comment to my fb wall to show how off beat teenager girls can be when they are clearly jealous
have few strong points but miss the main point that the one who made video here is FEMININE women from good manners world, who do not need a "fair share" of guys (aka being fooled by many guys) but who are from so smart background that know by female wisdom what guy is worth,
so grow up and LEARN from Her,
grow some manners and stop cursing at Lord,
if you think and act like that, then you will get this kind of guys as talk deserves.
teenager rage is popular thing but you need to grow out from it, become a Lady, as She is on the way, and You can also, just a bit another way, no need to be CLEARLY jealous about her skills and looks and smile.
Her wisdom is half way from parents, this is why is so high. Or from good surrounding.
Her skills help to shape guys better and same time train girls what to actually look. What matters, postures is one of the most important. for womens who look for high level man's.
...but for man who look for women who not self confident, then yes.. they can wear sport shoes all the time and random number Nike shirt. and then play cool... so girls who think they are edgy and not like these Cinderella girls, go for these smoking dudes.. who just give them bad memory, at best, as they them self are in issues.... while Cinderellas, look these guy walkings far away, and keep away from these kind of 5(0) cents
have few strong points but miss the main point that the one who made video here is FEMININE women from good manners world, who do not need a "fair share" of guys (aka being fooled by many guys) but who are from so smart background that know by female wisdom what guy is worth,
so grow up and LEARN from Her,
grow some manners and stop cursing at Lord,
if you think and act like that, then you will get this kind of guys as talk deserves.
teenager rage is popular thing but you need to grow out from it, become a Lady, as She is on the way, and You can also, just a bit another way, no need to be CLEARLY jealous about her skills and looks and smile.
Her wisdom is half way from parents, this is why is so high. Or from good surrounding.
Her skills help to shape guys better and same time train girls what to actually look. What matters, postures is one of the most important. for womens who look for high level man's.
...but for man who look for women who not self confident, then yes.. they can wear sport shoes all the time and random number Nike shirt. and then play cool... so girls who think they are edgy and not like these Cinderella girls, go for these smoking dudes.. who just give them bad memory, at best, as they them self are in issues.... while Cinderellas, look these guy walkings far away, and keep away from these kind of 5(0) cents
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+Margus Meigo I don't know if english is your native language, but if it is you royally suck at it.
As for "feminine well mannered woman", I feel like your under the impression that I'm a woman. Which I'm not. I'm a guy. And even so, I wouldn't want a woman dumb enough to think that a guys shoes are the most important thing about him.
And as far as being well mannered in general goes there's a difference between being well mannered and being a stuck up, self absorbed twat. Which is exactly what this dumb bitch is.
And "grow out of it"? Seriously? Get the fuck over yourself.
And I don't know what the fuck this thing with you thinking I'm jealous is. Who do think I'm jealous of? The cunt in the video? That would be laughable even if I WAS a girl.
+Verified HC did you ever stop to think that might be the look I'm going for? A lot of women (specifically the kind of women I look for) actually love guys with long hair and soft features. If a girl doesn't like my hair then I want nothing to do with her.
As for "feminine well mannered woman", I feel like your under the impression that I'm a woman. Which I'm not. I'm a guy. And even so, I wouldn't want a woman dumb enough to think that a guys shoes are the most important thing about him.
And as far as being well mannered in general goes there's a difference between being well mannered and being a stuck up, self absorbed twat. Which is exactly what this dumb bitch is.
And "grow out of it"? Seriously? Get the fuck over yourself.
And I don't know what the fuck this thing with you thinking I'm jealous is. Who do think I'm jealous of? The cunt in the video? That would be laughable even if I WAS a girl.
+Verified HC did you ever stop to think that might be the look I'm going for? A lot of women (specifically the kind of women I look for) actually love guys with long hair and soft features. If a girl doesn't like my hair then I want nothing to do with her.
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+maxie fuqua What is wrong with you? The girl in the video displayed no sign of being stuck up or self absorbed, also no one said a guys shoes are the most important thing about him, all anyone said is that a guys shoes can give you an idea about them. The more you talk the more I think you're some dude who has gotten rejected by every girl you have ever liked, because you seem to think what she said in this video is appalling because you believe girls can't possible care about anything other than a guy being hot. All you have done so far is show how simple minded and hostile you are, calm down you're acting like a triggered feminist or sjw.
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+Frizen what's wrong with me? No. That's the not the question here.
The question is what's wrong with you and the dumb cunt the video. (And anyone else that suscribes the this ludicrous line of thinking.)
If you don't think she was acting stuck up or self absorbed then you are stuck up and self absorbed yourself. (It's the old "if you can't spot the crazy person on the bus, it's you" thing.)
And I've never been rejected by any woman. Mainly because I don't proposition women. If a woman is interested in me, then she can approach me. I have no interest in "chasing pussy" like most men do.
And since you don't seem to have gotten it through your thick skull yet, I'll repeat "IF YOU THINK A GUYS SHOES CAN TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT THEM, THEN YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON!"
And at no point did I say women only care about guys being hot. I said it's the most important thing to women. If your an average looking guy then you have to be the funniest or richest man alive to get most women to even acknowledge your existence.
Notice I said "MOST" women. Not all. There are genuinely intelligent and worthwhile women out there that care about personality more than looks.
And don't even try to give me any of this "looks don't matter" bullshit. Because even if there not the MOST important thing, they DO matter.
The question is what's wrong with you and the dumb cunt the video. (And anyone else that suscribes the this ludicrous line of thinking.)
If you don't think she was acting stuck up or self absorbed then you are stuck up and self absorbed yourself. (It's the old "if you can't spot the crazy person on the bus, it's you" thing.)
And I've never been rejected by any woman. Mainly because I don't proposition women. If a woman is interested in me, then she can approach me. I have no interest in "chasing pussy" like most men do.
And since you don't seem to have gotten it through your thick skull yet, I'll repeat "IF YOU THINK A GUYS SHOES CAN TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT THEM, THEN YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON!"
And at no point did I say women only care about guys being hot. I said it's the most important thing to women. If your an average looking guy then you have to be the funniest or richest man alive to get most women to even acknowledge your existence.
Notice I said "MOST" women. Not all. There are genuinely intelligent and worthwhile women out there that care about personality more than looks.
And don't even try to give me any of this "looks don't matter" bullshit. Because even if there not the MOST important thing, they DO matter.
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+maxie fuqua first of all, i really do not think you are 25 years homo but you are how you sound and look: 14 years old girl, also based of your knowledge about what women like and what can be told about human,
for second, if you really happen to be psychologically confused about being man, and really think women hating gay thing is for you, to channel evil spirits (but what you know about spirituality if you not even not able to respect and honor great teen girl who makes great service for humans with this video).
You confuse arrogance with positive royalty and aristocracy, from what family or blood lines She seems to be from tone of language usage, manners and great lovely smile, She has right to be and feel good about Her self as She is women, but for you being a bit gay in head most likely not even able to accept basic of Matriarchy, eg that She is a Queen - an He can NEWER be a queen Mother.
If media and mtv will not ruin Her, nor the fashion of makeup or fake clothes (current look is supper, country style), then She will grow up for sure, to be Women to desire
for second, if you really happen to be psychologically confused about being man, and really think women hating gay thing is for you, to channel evil spirits (but what you know about spirituality if you not even not able to respect and honor great teen girl who makes great service for humans with this video).
You confuse arrogance with positive royalty and aristocracy, from what family or blood lines She seems to be from tone of language usage, manners and great lovely smile, She has right to be and feel good about Her self as She is women, but for you being a bit gay in head most likely not even able to accept basic of Matriarchy, eg that She is a Queen - an He can NEWER be a queen Mother.
If media and mtv will not ruin Her, nor the fashion of makeup or fake clothes (current look is supper, country style), then She will grow up for sure, to be Women to desire
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+maxie fuqua if you really are dude then i would like some online proof
No, English is by far not my language. But i still make effort for helping you here.
( for calling you gay, is not a insult,
just most who has had interest of investigating what this mental illness, that is even named by Mental Health department code appropriately near 66..,along with other perversions and unfortunate ones stuck in gender confusion or spiritual virus..., dark possession,
how ever you like to call it, that/who is called in this greek-roman women hating/bashing homo society nice way today as "gay" ...
well, after investigating the hate gays really have for women and jealousy... then it is half way scary, as they dream by producing them self with robots in future, in this realm also...
anyone investigating their current "equality" agenda to force Women to be on some low levels.. low standards.. as "equals...". in fear that proper world order will return,... anyone investigating this have noticed danger for our nature and human species, from these spirits that make you feel, as you would be gay .,., but in truth no human species really are... it is possession that can happen inside mother already... and then there is proper aliens, who can take any form.... with what looks for earth ordinary people as magic... and they do it forcefully.. in on going plan of spinning up hate and gossip where it is not... making man behave like no gentleman... and making women forget their true powers and god chosen highest position )
Even, in bible, the Proverbs 8:24 + makes clear, that Wisdom is from women and IS women. so what You know about if shoes tell something or not ?
Yes, for a person who is poor, one can temporally wear something random... or in outside work.. but day after day when one has options and will still choose random foot wear that make feet smell?
Or that is dirty and cheap by looks? And looks like dude it self not care ? It makes women scare, about what He is not care more about... but of-course, in Your world.. what you told you are... these are least of the issues.....
No, English is by far not my language. But i still make effort for helping you here.
( for calling you gay, is not a insult,
just most who has had interest of investigating what this mental illness, that is even named by Mental Health department code appropriately near 66..,along with other perversions and unfortunate ones stuck in gender confusion or spiritual virus..., dark possession,
how ever you like to call it, that/who is called in this greek-roman women hating/bashing homo society nice way today as "gay" ...
well, after investigating the hate gays really have for women and jealousy... then it is half way scary, as they dream by producing them self with robots in future, in this realm also...
anyone investigating their current "equality" agenda to force Women to be on some low levels.. low standards.. as "equals...". in fear that proper world order will return,... anyone investigating this have noticed danger for our nature and human species, from these spirits that make you feel, as you would be gay .,., but in truth no human species really are... it is possession that can happen inside mother already... and then there is proper aliens, who can take any form.... with what looks for earth ordinary people as magic... and they do it forcefully.. in on going plan of spinning up hate and gossip where it is not... making man behave like no gentleman... and making women forget their true powers and god chosen highest position )
Even, in bible, the Proverbs 8:24 + makes clear, that Wisdom is from women and IS women. so what You know about if shoes tell something or not ?
Yes, for a person who is poor, one can temporally wear something random... or in outside work.. but day after day when one has options and will still choose random foot wear that make feet smell?
Or that is dirty and cheap by looks? And looks like dude it self not care ? It makes women scare, about what He is not care more about... but of-course, in Your world.. what you told you are... these are least of the issues.....
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+maxie fuqua i hope you got your lesson before coming to insult Lady here,
For finishing up,
i must add that before you make dumb mistake like telling "I wouldn't want a woman dumb enough to think that a guys shoes are the most important thing about him." take care and listen the video, she even told that this is WEIRD one .. that SHE PERSONALLY notices... .. and it does NOT apply to all... also listen 4:20...
and jumping on to Her words like that... you made your self proper shame bag.
I hope you never make this kind of mistake again, and if You grow to be Man, some day, then be good and Say Sorry to Her.
(as gays really, are unable to humble them self in front of women, as they have arrogant devil spirit in, or childhood pain, unresolved conflicts as psychologist say...)
So yes, Say Sorry, and edit Your comment bad parts,
for having opinion about shoes and some things you told is OK, but to attack Her .. like this, is nearly as low man can go before becoming gay
For finishing up,
i must add that before you make dumb mistake like telling "I wouldn't want a woman dumb enough to think that a guys shoes are the most important thing about him." take care and listen the video, she even told that this is WEIRD one .. that SHE PERSONALLY notices... .. and it does NOT apply to all... also listen 4:20...
and jumping on to Her words like that... you made your self proper shame bag.
I hope you never make this kind of mistake again, and if You grow to be Man, some day, then be good and Say Sorry to Her.
(as gays really, are unable to humble them self in front of women, as they have arrogant devil spirit in, or childhood pain, unresolved conflicts as psychologist say...)
So yes, Say Sorry, and edit Your comment bad parts,
for having opinion about shoes and some things you told is OK, but to attack Her .. like this, is nearly as low man can go before becoming gay
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