peru Quechua forced sterilization indigionous people to eliminate acient secrets and knowledge

//draft post ( )

(The thing at times they do not mention besides another story why western order challenging natives was targeted, that there is only one and half million Quechua people in Peru.. from what how many are real natives besides polls? And from that number, how many there can be women on child bringing age? Excluding seniors, westernized and children, and man? And from that number.. now put that number in to perspective they say in news, it was near complete genocide of one of the MOST important humans on our planet (by relation to history as well)..., and would have been complete if there would have been no residence at all.. no, there was not much residence from Western people, who newer know about it.. but Government’s.. did they not know, intelligence officers, no one had balls to take this organizer down?
Oh.. and this was NOT a first attempt against them... just one of the last ones in this scale.. for now )

Some link picks:

Hard truth of Feminists (communist, roman, liberal made ideology for enslaving women) (a bit longer, history. Cornel Int. Law)

(Alternative media, also highlighting tactics

(Most of mainstream media has reported this, but not so much in between 1995 to 2001, showing strong  cooperation.... as how was they able to hide it ? Most activists and smart ones who i mention,newer know about it.. how is it possible, really? )

(Population Research Institute

(USA it self have even larger doc made about it )

(UN has bring it up )

Finally the project that brings it open as much they can..if it is delivered right, supported..  "The Quipu Project is a free telephone line that contributors in Peru can use to record themselves speak about how they were sterilized.  The phone line uses VOIP (voice over internet protocol) technology which connects it to the internet."

Google link, i removed tracking code from it: (as you know the fake thousands of results they say they give.. actually it is hundreds only who mention key words)

Links up there matter really, this is what the post is about, text will make sense someday when it is written in a correct way that is readable, for now now energy for this. It just has inside some key understandings placed for future understandings.

So the relabelling rant :

well, some of my near   words as well..., it was kind of automatic witting to You  Rober F, just make some spelling corrections and links in to it..
Pointing fingers here by naming some groups is just to help thought directions, to compare and to focus on,  not meant as final blame, maybe besides a bit blame will stay more on Roman-Greek Education...

But yes, main point they newer mention ...
.. as it sounds perhaps to hard for a truth,
that why they do it on highest level.

(their idea is to eliminate natives to cut our connection to God, is next text point )

I mean there is trick what they use most people to agree with it (most, of them tens of thousands  who agreed to take part of this and not stop it, leak it on early stages) but there is also reasons they tricking it, for that we have to look in to the people who give them these ideas and understandings and what these ideology people aims and mindset and actions have been.

It is elimination of ancient roots and alternative culture versions that any way can challenge future history or medical, natural knowledge.
And who else has more deeper, direct knowledge, some perhaps real knowledge about ancient Inca and Astec cultures that is praised as beginning of Civilization in many books?
On internet and international travel age, it is dangerous for them, if their thoughts and story's about how they remember and know will start to leak to general public who ordinary do not read deep books but who feel hard and is interested a lot.
// this why communist camp agreed to keep us separated and REST of the word agreed to keep us separated in hope, that when the people under soviet union are unable to travel and contact with people in other lands their thinking and ideology will be so changed, that newer can they be in peace and feeling one with the rest for the plans what was for future.. of-course this plans was many ways undermined by human natural intelligence but seems sometimes that Outsiders was the ones whos minds got more programmed about illusions then the ones who was plan to program... because large amount enough of us know how to keep in secret and in part public the truth open about What is situation and What is truth and what is illusion and under what we people mind was trained to look for a truth and know that this is what is around you is ever nice smiles and ties.. is something whose background and motives you have to investigate before you believe what they say.,.in western world most only choose between left and right... and thought this was proper choice.. the choose demo(n)Grazy.. newer suspecting so much that this WAS the plan (as what "other option there would be... ")... as it was shown how bad is in communist land... so they assumed, at least it is not this... (well, it was newer planned to keep like costly.. was planned to trick you in to democracy so from there...).
This is what they call conspirators and in part "tinfoilhatpeople" was normal state of mind for these who wanted to keep rest of the culture alive... as methods was SO much they used.. and they use now, this is why openness is allowed.. as positions are secured so many levels deep.. but in truth actually, they was tricked to open the positions. But that’s another story..//

Most safest, for the ones who are afraid peruu Ayauasca and medicine and culture history  to make sure they will newer speak in future (as they have done in Siberia and all the arias of world with ancient people, hundreds of "country's" removed in outside of globe, newer mentioned they ever excised..).
So they can keep the version of the history as only primary source that will not conflict with status-qua... as they have learned hard way how much harm few people can  do who messes up their history story by bringing up names and events that are some what recorded already and then get proof to it.
Their version of memory recording and language recording.. all is something that they wish not to keep as it shows, that human mind and intelligence can stay with another methods and technology.
Like they call them illiterate and poor.. nearly all articles..  instead of rising up their special worth. Of another type of language and complete another type of recording memory.
You are "illiterate" if you not speak indo eropean languages basically.
And poor if you not wear a tie and not want to take part of western (or communist) culture.

So basically, normal farmers who lived thousands of year.. and not want to use money , they are also big threat to ideology, how can anyone live with out money and be hapy? It is needed in their mind to make illegal, this kind of thinking, as it raises to many  question in new generation who can find out, that it is possible to farm and not have money. And to be wealthy and happy (they, who handled their life with out Soviet submission, to endorsed slave labour that WAS MANDATORY to everyone, was called "kulak" in soviet.. today they promote it as "we had no jobless people, no lack of work.." ..well ya, people went missing or in prison if they refuse to work for state.. it was not allowed to farm or live as you want alone, for now one ...from where they get ALL these officers and people, among our self to control us and to enforce that.. this is amazing.. no one investigates this how they make this possible... as most of the enforces also did not like the system..why they did it and how they all as massive group was tricked in to it... it is not so simple as just talk and propaganda...we was naturally smart people in majority... 50 years from now, 70 perhaps, will be looked this age and asked again "how was they ... why they keep them on power..why they submit.. what kind of illusions and propaganda was it..." .. as long people assume it is simply just earthy and just some random powerful people forcing their will with force, loving money,  and nothing else.. .. well this long them future wanderers also newer become free by them self ).

Even that talk, is not meant to be intercultural, to all places..

Of-course they have worked hard, Spanish and all the invaders, to corner natives  in to situations that will make them look as poor as possible, breaking original life, terrorizing many ways, invade their land, building cheap boxes .. forcing or letting  targets  move in ...then not maintenance it, pulling support, poring in alcohol and bad drugs,  knowing what it will look in 20, 50 years if this is done.. and then they can use these pictures for justification of worthless someone is.
Old basic tricks.
We know, we lived in it.

So yea...  we can know what to do, when we know what they do.
And profiling people spiritual aims, backgrounds, influences, mindsets, bosses and situations... is important, when we put our-self in to position of helping the world or protecting our own love interest making sure a little bit awious who to let our family  circle and who to let how (there is different considerations for different kind of people when you let them interact with your world) based on their supposed aims.
Also based our own beliefs and powers and protections...
Some people got a worry less then others, as people not all equal in their smartness and skills, powers and will.
Many are confused, suppressed in worry or under hypnosis  still,
and some of ideas some that some of us carry, is like virus we have to be smart and caring about, in proper way.
Just consider, if nothing can touch us, as we have our world sorted out, can they make worry to others, so if we care and love, then what preparations, things we should do, when we know well, what can happen and has happened in past when people ignore sings that are in front of their eyes.

This is the prison ideology i was talking about..
the .. "everyone is equal" (in situations to make people believe it when they clearly not... when we become, then not by talking about it but doing it, as it is insult to say so and utopic, considering that millionaire got surelly more rights then farmer who is forced in decline, ...Russia time special police force even come and shoot broken fisher women boats if they collect for a winter more fish, as they have done in thousands of years, then this amount that russians allowed, ... they allowed so little only that in winter there would be starvation so they will break and start to work for society..  equal, after this way the cultures are boken? ...takes long time to build that equality up, by serious pro-indigious female respecting conservatism (royal anti democratic) views )
or the even more dangerous one... "there is no bad or good, no right or wrong" .. this is so dangerous and bad global agenda, based on partly half truths, so successfully that nearly most greek-roman based education people is tricked in to it... and when they break this great logic in their mind.. then they can be submitted to agree with any kind of terror as long it is not in their garden, right now (what comes "later" is "relative and speculation" ... ofcorse it is not, we can know what mind sets have what directions.. if someone is against farming, then helping to keep these kinds alive  in high positions backed by powerful gov who has rights to regulate how you farm.. no one needs to be "educated" or "literate" to understand what this will do in time... .. just hoping "change will come".. is not enough by God commandment, Commandment says, (not  Jew hating Lutheran, protestant side... (from that also come their female hating side,as from greek-roman and Aristotelian rooted eduction gay minded anti-female thought patterns) but more the old testament respecting side..)
.. it says 
confused part of religion did not get the idea about no need to make good from bibile, as even protestant new age cornerstone new testament say: "if one not do what one believe then one's belief is lifeless (with self eventually)"  )...

so  the  Lutherans, who dominate nearly all public religious image of media (with liberal versions of Catholics included, to give impression like "Catholics also speak", unless there is need for negative image, then some crazis or some conservative words will be turned around, out of context of their belief and understanding... kind of like Hitler talks most only see 5 minute clips at time, at BBC.. the liberal communist propaganda machine with their "history " network..).
Most of these new religious people focus on "New Testament" .. throw away old.. forget old... new sun.. risethe new for god.. replace god.. equalize small with a god.. make it irrelevant.. more mystical.. confusing.. many ways... interpreting one and another way.... but as long it is way from an old testament... they do so..
so yea.. this religious people, anyone who you see... if you wanna see if they are real, just ask what is clearly more important, new or old testament,
if they start to philosophy about they kind of equal or bought are important etc.. then  forget it, they lost already. Of fundamentals.
After all, in the end of old testament they say... HUMAN person will come who make PEACE between parents and their Children... (has that happen?) .. and as J told him self apparently in new testament, that He come to bring a War, not peace. .. and how hes name is also the "Morning Star..:"  or something like that. Looks strange so many ways. Specially as they try to say he is god embodiment on earth and same time that he did great thing and died for us and.. ... wait.. who was the god THIS time J was talking about when supposedly "he was god" .. and ofcorse most New Agers, this like, as after few trips some one feels how all mighty and "all one" they are with a G, so they assume they are the G or the J...  .. no
,(if you part of Society you discover then you aree not A Society..but opponents are in love with ANY wrong understanding, even if that benefits not them directly, at least it harms followers and the ones who are long the new belief does not support traditional smartness and goodness that challenges wrongdoers..then opponents of good are okey with it..basic that sometimes are forgotten,,)

You are who YOU are.. not copy of someone else if You earth-lander (besides the ones who supposedly ARE copy's of someone else (2 main different kinds of clones, individual separated passive slave's made for usage like slave work to keep society up or propaganda, culture morals destruction and common mind active self aware species master ones... for first ones  takes some work to separate them in to truer platform and implement true new nature in to them... like saving a plants that is inbreed-ed strange ways but you might want to see perhaps something comes from it... but you newer eliminate REAL original plants for a sake of new one that even has not proven them self to be better in ALL arias..(but of-course, this will be debate hard with liberals what arias are needed to measure and what not... some assume mixedsexuals are more worth then women as they are 2 in one.. or that gay are better then ordinary man as .. well, they will find a reasons, important is to find a truth to stand against this what seems to remove proven good.
what they just try (argue against good).. as " they ", will it be aliens, AI or hybrids, hypnotized controlled ones.. will use language as weapon.. and some even, in them emotions with beliefs in combination, are prepacked as weapon as the human weapon makers know how and what worked best on Our hearts and minds... when we see pain, upset, cry.. if we want to be  what we are we have to surrender, feel.. agree.. settle...  but in these times, when we are under elimination.. we have to think, some of us, for a sake of all of us, have to sacrifice a bit of our ordinary calmness and look the ways how we settle, how we surrender.. how we love.. keeping one eye open, just in case, so others can sleep well.
((And give us the guidance for next day, what them bring back from a good loving rest, even if not, at least we can stay calm, we the protectors and servants of GOod.. that we did what we can so others can have better then what they would maybe have .. if we would assume there is something else to do then to be avare about these who in many various reasons, might be no good or even feel they need to act in secret opposite to the calm life of your loved ones grand children future family’s.... (kind of reminds me strangers respecting Chechnians under Duddaievs rule when they hosted russian soldiers out of respect who in morning eliminated them... they used it as strategy...the others goodness against them... maybe if they would assume and understand the mindset and plan of army a little something might have done, dive all of them while hosting a cup of drink... and tie them up...then give the, shamanic treat... as they all eated well before they attacked in next morning) we must make sure, they can be more calm then we, every generation so, and for that, more and more some portion, of special kind of spiritual and cultural ninjas are needed to be kind of self developed rather then breaded, ... maybe we are also, breaded, by our ancestors, what we know, else, then that we need to know more how to get all better, this is our kind of life.. and when we are forced to be "equal" meaning, care as little as public image of humans are to be made.. then ... how can things get better so ?  most of the work is often done by exposing non god, but for that we have to dare to step in to strong arguments, most of the opponents who are here, against us is language warriors, first line, they call backup only if you attack them wrong.. but with correct words you can push them back and make them naked, gain even the respect and sides or  friendship... as you gotta know your opponent... and to know you must have interest and love to learn from most important ofcorse, good point of view but also from their point of view, and then place it inside the whole picture so it will be true for them, for you and for all, without in purpose faking anything, ... maybe at rare times, using their own, opponents tools, but even these you can use, in moral borders, in selection, newer full lie in purpose but when you need to, protect the truth or good with something that would not hand your protected ones to the savages.,,, then you know how and why to do it on that moment, just keep your dignity up and newerunderestimate the supposed enemy who will be gone   ...  )).

1 comment:

  1. man that text and formatting looks serious mess...
    just did it for party my self to help separate another mind flow ... and f


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